The Social Entrepreneurship of Change артикул 6400d.
The Social Entrepreneurship of Change артикул 6400d.

People are concerned with new ways of dealing with the basic needs of all, and old ways are being challenged Are there ways of coping with crises that reflect the values of participation, decentralization, equity, and support of the environment—the demands of the people? The author draws on the experience of social entrepreneurs worldwide in ожчуц determining how positive change can take place His concern with health is not with medicine but with the way all activities of community life in our emergingurban world improve the quality of life He points to “healthy” policy—how transportation, housing, jobs, environmental concerns, community participation and other major actions of social groups, business, and science can improve health He argues for healthy cities—cities that make health an important priority in all our attempts to improve our lives.  Второй выпускISBN 0925776041.